Gauze Drum
Cylindrical containers used to sterilize dressing material in a sterilizer
It helps
Gauze Drum
Cylindrical containers used to sterilize dressing material in a sterilizer
It helps
How a stethoscope works
A stethoscope simply amplifies internal sounds from a human being.
the disc and the table of the stethoscope amplify small sound such as the sound of a patient’s lungs, heart and other sounds inside the body.
Infrared heating lamp with stand
IR lamp is a high quality heat lamp designed to provide localized heat treatment.
Manage pain and injury effectively heat therapy provides benefits for numerous injuries, illness and chronic conditions.
The heat lamp uses short-wave infrared light produced by an incandescent heat sources to give a deeper penetration of heat than conventional heat sources.
This can enhance blood circulation improving the transport rate of essential biochemical compounds as well as provide pain relief and a pleasant warming effective exposure.
Heat therapy for home or business it is ideal for us at home or in a professional setting.
A ripple mattress is a special mattress type of mattress that works by inflating air in the cells and alternating the air to each and every cell in the mattress.
The bed-type medical air cushion is composed with two parts: main frame and air cushion. The air cushion has two separate ballonet. Under the control of the main frame every ballonet can touch a different part of the body every six minutes. the fluctuation ballonet can expedite blood circulating to avoid the appearance of the bedsore on the patients who stay in bed for long. so that to cure the bedsore quickly or prevent the sore all together.
Bedsores properly known as pressure ulcers are caused by many factors such as unrelieved pressure, friction, humidity, temperature and medication.
bedsores are fatal however we can prevent it from happening by using a ripple mattress.