Patient Transfer wheelchair
It is a special wheelchair that is used to transfer a patient
from the one point to another
Patient Transfer wheelchair
It is a special wheelchair that is used to transfer a patient
from the one point to another
Mercurial blood pressure machine
A device used to measure blood pressure.
How it works;
After cuffing the patient pump using a bulb until the pressure is about 20mmHg above the expected systolic blood pressure.
The patient should be comfortable and relaxed the lower arm should be placed at the level of the heart with the inside of the arm facing upwards
Place the chest piece of the stethoscope on the artery under the cuff.
To be able to measure open the air release screw on the bulb by turning it counter clockwise, ideally the rate of air release should be 2-3mm, perform a visual check of the air release rate by looking at scale. Mercury display must move along the scale at a speed of 1-15 graduations per second.
Once the upper blood pressure value has been reached a rhythmic thumbing sound is heard
Systolic blood pressure value is the pressure measured when the heart contracts forcing blood into the blood vessels
When the diastolic pressure is reached the thumbing sounds stops
Diastolic is the pressure measured when the cardiac muscle is expanded and fills up with blood again.
Open the air release valve completely so that air can escape from the cuff immediately and the procedure has been completed.
A pen light is a small flash light in the shape of a pen. It uses a small light known as LED (light emitting diode).
It also uses a small light bulb made just for small flash light, LED lights up when power is run through it.
LED is strong enough to allow medical professional to safely examine patient without being too bright.
they come with a pupil gauge as well as a 5cm ruler.
The length of each pen is about 5.3 inches.
Quick removable motors(only 15kgwithout motors and battery)
Backrest tilting one second folding/unfolding
Well designed frame for comfortable riding.
Breakthrough brushless wheelchair drive technologies.